Monday, May 13, 2024

Mental Health Resources at Your Library

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and the library is chock-full of resources to help you take care of your mind.

Katie, one of our library assistants, put together a great list of different ways to take care of your mental health, and where you can find the information within your library system. 

Here are some great ways to prioritize your mental health and some resources to guide you:

Emotional Self-Care

Positive self-talk. 

The voice you hear the most is going to be your own, so make sure that you're treating yourself well. Identifying when you have negative self-talk and working to change your habits can help you become a more positive and motivated person. 

Here are some great books to check out to learn about positive self-talk, or you can head to 152.42:
Saying "no" to things that cause unnecessary stress.

It can be easy to get caught up in saying "yes" and trying to please everyone. But too often, this can lead to being over-stressed and burnt out. If you're looking to stress less, check out call number 155.9042, or grab one of these books:

We live in a go, go, go world, and it can be tough to slow down and rest. However, you owe it to yourself and those around you to take a time-out once and a while. Sometimes that might be taking time to meditate, or read a good book (check out 158.12 for more on this), or take a peek at these:
Setting up weekly coffee dates with a friend.

Friendships can benefit your mental health in numerous ways including giving you a sense of belonging. It can be easy to get busy and not nurture friendships the way that we'd like to, so scheduling time with friends and loved ones is important. 
Spiritual Self-Care

Spending time in nature.

Spending time in nature has been proven to help mild to moderate depression, and when you live in a beautiful place like the Pacific Northwest, nature is at your backdoor just waiting for you! For more books on nature, check out call numbers 504-508, or some of our recommendations below:

Similar to giving yourself a moment to pause, meditation can help increase the gray matter in your brain improving your well-being, memory, and longevity. It can be difficult to sit still for an extended period of time, but remember that meditation is a practice and grab some tools to help you on your journey (158.12):

Keeping a gratitude journal.

Expressing daily gratitude can help shift your mine from "have-not" to "have." Taking a few minutes each day to appreciate life's little gifts (a warm cup of coffee, the sun shining through your window) can transform how you view the world. New to journaling, check out 745.593, or grab one of our favorite books on journaling and gratitude:
Incorporate small acts of kindness throughout your day. 

Being generous and doing things for others can help you boost your mood and give you a sense of purpose. Simple acts like holding open the door for someone, or giving a compliment will not only make someone else's day but can make yours better as well! For acts of kindness inspiration, head to 177.7 or peruse one of these books in our catalog:
Physical Self-Care

Prioritizing sleep.

Roughly one in three people do not get enough sleep. Not sleeping enough not only has a toll on your physical health and motor skills, but can also be detrimental to your mental health. If you struggle with sleep head to 612.821 or check out some of these resources:
Adopting a healthy exercise routine.

We all know how important exercise is for our well-being, but it can be tough to find the motivation to get started. The exercise section (613.713) is full of resources to get you going, and don't forget to check out the selection of exercise DVD's available at your local library branch:

New science regarding the gut microbiome and brain connection suggests that what we eat can have a direct impact on how we feel. While there are no "good" or "bad" foods, there are foods you can introduce to your diet that can have a positive mood-shifting effect. Head over to 613.2 to learn more about healthy foods, or check out these books:
Going on walks. 

It may sound simple, but a 10-15 minute walk can really help boost your mood. Walking not only improves your cardiovascular health, but has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. If you find it tough to get motivated to go for a walk, head to the Libby App and grab an audiobook to listen to while you're on the go! To dive deeper into the science of walking, head to 796.51, or put one of these books on hold:

These are just a few ways you can honor your mental health and take care of yourself. The important thing to remember is to do what works best for you!

What are some of your favorite ways to unwind and take a break?

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