Saturday, June 1, 2024

Summer Reading 2024

Summer reading is officially here!

Often, once school is out for the summer, it's easy to slip into the habit of not reading until fall rolls around, however, many libraries run Summer Reading programs to help encourage people of all ages to continue their habit of reading through the summer months.

According to the American Library Association, these are the benefits of Summer Reading Programs:

  • Encourages reading to become a lifelong habit
  • Reluctant readers can be drawn into reading by attending summer reading programming at their local library
  • Reading over the summer helps children keep their skills up
  • Summer reading programming can create interest in the library and books

Here are the Sandy and Hoodland Public Libraries, we offer summer reading programming and incentives for all ages. 

So how does summer reading work?

You can sign up through the Beanstack App or pick up a paper log at your local library. Read for 10 hours between June 1st and August 31st and log your hours. 

If you're using a paper log, turn it into your local library for a chance to win a prize! Once you've completed your 10 hours you will receive a $5 fines voucher and for ages infant-teen a free book! You'll also be entered into winning the grand prize for your age group!

If you're an avid reader, you can pick up additional logs or continue to track after those initial 10 hours and you'll receive an additional prize entry for every additional 10 hours. 

For details on prizes, and for more information on our summer reading programming, head over to our 2024 Summer Reading page!

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