Thursday, June 20, 2024

July 2024 Book Club Picks

 Here is what the Sandy and Hoodland book clubs are reading for July 2024!

Men's Book Club

Monday, July 1
7:00 PM
Sandy Library Community Room

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

For further information please contact Maureen Houck:

Women's Book Club

Thursday, July 11
6:00 PM
Sandy Library Community Room

Palm Beach Finland by Antti Tuomainen

For further information please contact Maureen Houck:

*Please note that the Women's Book Club is now in person only. 
Hoodland Book Club

Tuesday, July 16
4:00 PM
Hoodland Community Room

The Sweetness of Water by Nathan Harris

For further information please contact Alex Steinmetz:
*Due to the 4th of July holiday, there will be no digital book club in July. Be on the lookout for August dates and selections 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Bloomsday (Just What IS Bloomsday Anyway?)

Most of us have heard the term "Bloomsday" at one time or another, but how many of us have taken the time to wonder what it actually means?

Aside from being an annual run in Spokane, WA, Bloomsday is celebrated on June 16th, and it's origins are steeped in Irish literature. 

Bloomsday is celebrated annually as a commemoration of the life of author James Joyce, and is named for the character, Leopold Bloom in the Joyce classic, Ulysses. 

Often considered one of the most important works of modernist literature, this century old piece draws parallels to the classic Homer poem, The Odyssey and follows the experiences of three Dubliner's over the course of one day (June 16th). 

While there are plenty of pieces of important pieces of modernist literature, yet very few have their own day. So why Bloomsday? 

At the 50th anniversary of the events of Ulysses, a group of men decided to make the Ulysses pilgrimage through Dublin. Representing different characters in the novel, they began their journey at the Martello Tower where the novel begins with plans to end their evening in the area Joyce dubbed Nighttown. 

Unfortunately, their journey was abandoned halfway through due to the groups over inebriation. 

However, this was taken in stride and led to several Bloomsday celebrations across the globe. The largest of the celebrations is a weeklong festival in Dublin, where enthusiasts dress in costume, and retrace the Leopold Bloom's route to different Dublin landmarks (and pubs). 

Bloomsday celebrations also take place in several countries, including: Australia, Canada, Italy and the United States. 

For those of us stateside looking to participate, many museums and libraries across the country participate by hosting readings, costume contests and Irish music. 

But of course, there is always the option of picking up a copy of Ulysses or another Joyce novelJoyce novel at your local library and getting lost in the modernist prose!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Seed Library News - June 2024

Happy June, Gardeners!

May had some cold showers, didn't it? But I have to say that some of my garden flowers seem to be very happy with all the moisture!

If you missed the backyard chickens presentation, I thought I would share an interesting takeaway I learned: chickens need protein to lay eggs so if you have a time where you are feeding your chickens a lot of veggies or greens from the kitchen, do not be surprised if there is a decrease in eggs afterwards. There is nothing wrong with them after having a hardy salad, it's just that chicken feed is balanced to promote egg production.

What I've Been Reading: Gardening with Less Water by David A Bainbridge

Water usage has become an increased concern for many of us. I was recently introduced to the irrigation system known as olla irrigation where you use untreated clay water reservoirs to water your plants. It is an ancient, low tech way to maximize the water to your plants while reducing the amount that you use. David gives a variety of examples on how to garden with less water and is also very informative on how to put those systems into place.

Epic Gardening has a great blog that not only gives you a brief history behind this technique, it also talks about plants that are best suited to this system and has their YouTube video linked as well. In the video, they do show you how to make your own version of an olla with standard terracotta pots.

What I've Been Reading x 2: Companion Planting for Beginners by Brian Lowell

Brian mentions the historic example of the Three Sister Method. I was excited to see it was referenced as I had just read on OSU's Food Hero page about it as well. Those of you that are from the PNW might already be familiar with this method, but for me it was the first time I learned about it. If any of you are like me, you might be excited to know that the Three Sisters Method is based on the three crops that Native Americans relied on most: corn, beans, and squash. Companion planting at its finest with the corn stalks offering support to the beans to climb, the large squash leaves provide shade to the ground in order to retain moisture and suppress weeds, and then the beans return nitrogen to the soil. 

Brian talks about the practice of polycropping, which includes flowers and herbs, and the benefits that come with it. Herbs often make excellent companion plants! Whether it is attracting pollinators or putting out strong smells that are offensive to pests, herbs often make a great addition to the garden. And planting a broad variety of flowers can attract a broad variety of beneficial pollinators! It becomes beautiful and functional. 

What I also appreciate about this book is that Brian provides visual examples of several different garden bed layouts with the companion planting method.

Interested in signing up for our Seed Library newsletter? Email

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Summer Reading 2024

Summer reading is officially here!

Often, once school is out for the summer, it's easy to slip into the habit of not reading until fall rolls around, however, many libraries run Summer Reading programs to help encourage people of all ages to continue their habit of reading through the summer months.

According to the American Library Association, these are the benefits of Summer Reading Programs:

  • Encourages reading to become a lifelong habit
  • Reluctant readers can be drawn into reading by attending summer reading programming at their local library
  • Reading over the summer helps children keep their skills up
  • Summer reading programming can create interest in the library and books

Here are the Sandy and Hoodland Public Libraries, we offer summer reading programming and incentives for all ages. 

So how does summer reading work?

You can sign up through the Beanstack App or pick up a paper log at your local library. Read for 10 hours between June 1st and August 31st and log your hours. 

If you're using a paper log, turn it into your local library for a chance to win a prize! Once you've completed your 10 hours you will receive a $5 fines voucher and for ages infant-teen a free book! You'll also be entered into winning the grand prize for your age group!

If you're an avid reader, you can pick up additional logs or continue to track after those initial 10 hours and you'll receive an additional prize entry for every additional 10 hours. 

For details on prizes, and for more information on our summer reading programming, head over to our 2024 Summer Reading page!