Teen Mini Pumpkin Decorating Contest
Friday, October 1- Monday, October 25
Hoodland Public Library | Sandy Public Library
Pick up a mini pumpkin, contest rules, and entry form from Sandy or Hoodland Public Libraries starting Friday, October 1 to participate in the 2nd Annual Teen Mini Pumpkin Decorating Contest!
No carving or candles. Use paint, markers, glue, googly eyes. feathers, gems, or other craft supplies for your design!
Return decorated pumpkins by Monday, October 25. All participants will be entered into a drawing to win a $5 gift card to Mountain Moka.
One entry will be selected as Best in Show and will win a Halloween-inspired gift basket of tasty treats and prizes. Winners will be announced Friday, October 29.
Rebecca Hanset rhanset@ci.sandy.or.us