Friday, April 29, 2022

Online Payments now live

Great news: you can now pay your fines online! Go to and log into your account where you'll be able to pay your fines. Note you must have a minimum of $1 to pay online.

If you have any trouble using this feature, let us know! 


Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Digital Divide

49% of teachers say lack of digital access at home is a major barrier to using technology in instruction.* 
As technology takes on an increasingly central role in teaching, internet connectivity offered by libraries gives lower-income students a chance to succeed.

* “Technology and Effective Teaching in the US,” The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 2012.

Check out a WIFI Hotspot  |  A map of SandyNet Hotspots 

Friday, April 1, 2022

Writing Group April 2022

The writing group will meet April Tuesday, April 5 & 19, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

Do you enjoy writing? Are you looking to improve your current writing skills and be part of forming a supportive and enthusiastic writing community?

Join us in our community room for the start of a new writing group led by Gary Dohrer. Gary is a retired English professor with over 40 years of experience teaching writing and literature.